Simulated Picking Up

The Ultimate Training Opportunity

We currently run these sessions as part of our training plan with our clients but we are also able to take them on the road to run them for individual shoots to get their picking up teams fine tuned for the coming season, or as an off-season social meet up with a unique training opportunity.

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Realistic Experience

Our events offer some of the most realistic shoot day situations that dogs and handlers can experience outside of a live game day. We believe that we are unique in what we offer and the level of detail that we include in our experiences.

As well as multiple marked retrieves from remote

RRT VersaLaunch launchers, up to 72 per drive, allowing a similar level of experience to a driven game day. We also have staff with additional handheld launchers that can aim to place dummies in a specific location or flight type.

We are able to add in the occurrence of pricked birds by using a different type of dummy, encouraging handlers to have more situational awareness and offers dogs the opportunity to be handled onto an individual bird with several distractions in place.

We can use equipment that gives us the opportunity to pre-place cold game and remotely drop it after all the dummies have been retrieved, adding to a more realistic level of experience for the dog.

We can provide additional distractions for more realistic training such as automatic bolting rabbits.

We use the DogMark system that allow attendees to experience the sounds of a driven game day that includes grouse, partridge, pheasant calls and gunshots, and we can even provide ‘beaters’ using flags to give the most realistic of experiences.

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Tailored Experience

As a standalone experience, we usually run it on a training session basis, enabling handlers to experience a realistic level of exposure and progressing their skills and ability to be ready for a live game day or to attend a simulated game day with the simulated picking up day running in parallel.

When run on a simulated game day, it offers a truly realistic level of experience and allows attendees to have as similar an experience as possible to a driven game day.

We can also offer handlers the opportunity to pass their Kennel Club Working Gundog Certificate on these days too.

One thing that we do like to include in our experience days is a little luxury hospitality, a small indulgent touch to add a little polish to our day.

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Unrivalled Experience

We firmly believe that these events offer a unique experience, unrivalled in the equipment that we use and the techniques that we are able to employ to offer the ultimate experience in simulated picking up.

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Interested in our Simulated Picking Up days?

Contact us now to discuss your requirements!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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